Through out my life my mother always taught me compassion.
How to give it and how to welcome it when it comes your way.
This past year I have witnessed what amounts to be an over
all lack of this basic human learned trait.
I see little evidence of it in the work place, at home, in
stores, business and in the political arena and most importantly in our
own health care oxy-moron for sure.
Something lost in a divided nation our President has sought
nothing but prejudice to continue. An arrogance of power, which
has alienated our world even further into chaos along with a
gross neglect of our own domestic
If you consider for a moment, the stumbling our nation has
incurred since he sought to embolden our nation in a
war meant to settle political scores for his father. You can't
pretend for another moment that this is not the true reason. Our
President has paid little attention to anything other than
paying back his cronies for allowing him power.
A poor economy, a needless war, racial tension,
Hurricane Katrina, CIA outing scandals, a crumbling mortgage industry, high gas prices, a faltering stock market, a
religious arrogance, election of non-impartial supreme court
appointees. Ignorance of science.
The ONLY thing I agree with this President on is the second
amendment… and THAT IS ALL! Do not count me a sympathizer to his entire negative agenda.
I can't wait for the barrel load of memoirs, books and
transcripts that will be released after his so called
presidency. Surely they will reveal what this nation has
long since incompetent leader.
His lack of domestic compassion trickles its way down into my
life and those around me. This past year I lost my sister and my mother to diseases
whose cures could be closer than if the President had not
blocked legislation to further stem cell research.
A torrent of domestic neglect based on prejudice, has sent
this nation into a deeply dis-compassionate down turn, which
serves to further our divide.
I am deeply grateful for living in a nation where I am free
to editorialize my thoughts on my website in a respectful
manner. God-less America!!!
A national election is about to unfold and what I sense is a
tightly wound nation drawing back a slingshot effect of tension
that should hopefully resolve in a fair election of a person
with principles and character to take hard line action and turn
this country around with out prejudice or arrogance. With
relative certainty, I believe a republican will not be elected.
If this happens, lives will begin to turn around. Hearts and minds
will ideally sense the compassion coming from our new fearless
(no longer a fear filled) leader. A new regard for our nation
will help us forge partnerships with other nations. We can
still keep an iron fist on one hand yet yield a peaceful stick
with the other.
Personally, I have witnessed little compassion in my own
circle of life. A lack of moral aptitude in the social enigma
around me. Some who do not know how to, or cannot handle dealing
with loss or those who simply refuse to remember the compassion
I sought to impart to them in their hour of need. I watched my
mother and father witness much the same from their friends and
acquaintances shortly after the passing of my sister. I watched
this tear my mother up in the days before her eventual death
this time last year.
I see very little kindness in the largest ways, more
frequently than ever. If there is one thing I can share are my
observations of how this affects me and the world I live.
I’m banking on and investing in those who seek a more
positive resolve by enacting results in their own lives which
will further the cause of a compassionate nation filled with
more (than not) those who really care.
As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, there will be
those who disagree with what I have said in this editorial.
It is allowing those who use it to over load their families
and friends with blinking graphics and looping background audio
you wish was not there to annoy you.
Sadly, I have a MySpace page, only because people want to
"see it". My website affords me the ability to reveal a highly
professional way of introducing myself to the world. It is
possible I may keep “MySpace visible, but only to re-link it to
my website for your viewing pleasure.