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My Sister |
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the fall of 1993, my mother called to tell me that the left side of my
sister Linda's body had gone numb, and that she was scared; What could it
be ? A stroke ? Could my sister become paralyzed?, What was the worst to
come ? At that time Linda was 41 years old, young by most standards. She
was married with no children, but had a vibrant career as a writer, poet,
and ornithologist; she also was a champion in environmental affairs. She
studied birds all over the world, she loved to travel and write, she had
many friends who shared her passions. Now what? One year later, and after
many tests, Linda was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).![]() "What's next?" we asked ourselves. Linda had always been a stubborn individual, opting to go it alone when things got rough, so it made sense when she started to seek her own natural treatments to fight this disease. Mean while, my Mother and Father, Chris and Arlene, and my other sister Nancy Gamss, and I, stood on the sidelines and waited, helping out where we could, Linda sought out treatment after treatment, everything from bee sting therapy to diets, oxygen therapy, vitamins, a variety of drugs, and physical therapies. and finally a treatment that could Books Published by Linda
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Eric & Linda '04 hopefully reverse her MS, stem cell replacement, primarily used to reverse blood cancers such as leukemia. Hopeful and brave, Linda went ahead with the gamble that this procedure would work on her already advanced form of MS. The doctors still were not sure of this procedure and its effectiveness until they could see how it worked in more than the one other test subject, who received the same procedure rather successfully a few months earlier. After enduring a long hospital stay and many painful tests and trials, the procedure seemed mildly successful, and then tapered off to becoming almost completely ineffective. Linda did, however, receive a new immune system from the stem cell procedure. Several years have gone by now, and Linda's condition has progressed to the point that she is completely bedridden and in need of constant 24/7 care. Linda lives with her two care givers in a house in Maple Park, Illinois, L-R, care-givers, Deema, Joanna, with Linda (center) Linda |
about 50
miles west of Chicago. Growing up the youngest with two older sisters, I was
often pampered as a kid, I was frequently looked after by my older sisters, (
that is until the sixties came along ... nyuk, nyuk). We all changed a bit as
we got older, but that never made me stop remembering my sister as the
ever-boisterous rebel and political antagonist, yet always understanding her
little brother so well . I think she knew that I had been on the sidelines for
so long as the youngest sibling, that I could see the big picture just like
she did.... most of the time, that is. Linda has always admired my musical
abilities, I admire her creative talents, and in that way I share my life with
her; as I try to help her now as an adult with her trials and tribulations. I
visit her when I can, and I try to balance life's pleasures and heartaches
with the best memories of my childhood growing up with my sister Linda. I love
her very much and I am very proud of what she has given this world. I will try
to give her back what I can.
Eric Kinkel If you would like to help Linda, I have established a charitable Gift Fund called: This fund accepts donations for Linda on my behalf. If you would like to help Linda with a capitol gift please click on the link: 'This page will explain how you can make a donation using your credit card or by sending a check or money order via mail. All OnLine transactions are Safe, Simple, Free and Secure with:
To contact
Linda you can (Temporarily)
For more information on MS contact:
Copyright 2004 © Eagle Eye
Productions, P.O. Box 95242, Palatine, IL. 60095-0242